The ten-code is so cool. :3 Most people only know the 10-4 code. It means apos;affirmative/okay/understoodapos;. There are other ones like 10-3 which means apos;stop transmittingapos; and 10-42 which means apos;end dutyapos;. 10-41 means apos;begin dutyapos;, which accurately describes what Iapos;m doing. Which is beginning my homework duty.
I have hella homework duuude.
-study for midterm in psych (tomorrow)
-study for midterm in econ (wednesday)
-law project research
-drama project
-makeup work for law, econ, and psych. Eheheh... >>; Bad Brooke, not turning in your homework on time. ...Or doing it at all.
10-4 do you copy? time to get goinggg.
Working on psych midterm.
Self-fulfilling prophecy - belief, prediction, expectation that operates to bring about its own fulfillment.
So itapos;s like that childrenapos;s book The Little Engine That Could or whatever. The whole apos;I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can... Hey, I can do itapos;
Self-efficacy - personapos;s view of his/her ability to succeed.
Dude, Iapos;m like a teeter-totter on that one.
A teeter-totter is a seesaw, btw.
Dude, canapos;t fucking find the disequilibrium principle.
Found it Haha, loser. Thought you could trick me, huh, you stupid psych textbook...
Disequilibrium Principle: an opportunity to engage in any deprived activity will be an enforcer because it restores equilibrium.
Example: Child is never allowed to watch TV. When told s/he will be able to watch TV if s/he does/napos;t do ____, it becomes a strong incentive to follow the directions/commands given.
RAWR. Iapos;m on number 46 of my 85-question psych midterm study guide. Bugger bugger.
On the plus side, my hair feels super silky soft for some reason. Huh.
Dude, I have been arranging a three-person brunch/get-together for like, two weeks. I hate scheduling. Itapos;s three people; it shouldnapos;t be that hard to pick a date and agree to meet when and where. But ohhh no. Tons of scheduling conflicts. Days when people donapos;t get back to me. Little snots. I hate scheduling. This is why I donapos;t get together with friends. DX But these are old friends Iapos;ve known since I was 4 and Iapos;m trying to reunite-ish with them or at least reminisce, so Iapos;m putting in the extra effort.
Bam, Iapos;m on 52.
Whoo, 58.
65. Dude, tired. Blargh.
Identity crisis - period of inner conflict during which adolescents worry intensely about who they are.
Well thatapos;s me all right. It doesnapos;t seem like itapos;s just a hormonal thing, though, if it only pertains to adolescents. I donapos;t like the idea that me wondering who I am and who Iapos;m going to be is already planned out.
Rihannaapos;s apos;Unfaithfulapos; kinda ticks me off, now that I understand the lyrics.
apos;Cause he knows Iapos;m unfaithful and it kills him inside [...] I can see him dying [...] Every time I walk out the door, I see him die a little more inside, I donapos;t wanna hurt him any more, I donapos;t wanna take away his light, I donapos;t wanna be... A murderer... [...] I might as well take a gun and put it to his head, get it over with...apos;
Giving yourself a little too much credit there, arenapos;tcha? Because itapos;s totally KILLING him just because youapos;re having an affair. Yeah, I can see the open wounds gushing blood. Really. Youapos;re such a apos;murdererapos;. Just shut up. He wonapos;t die if he doesnapos;t have you. I promise. Youapos;re not the sun and the earth to him. Heapos;ll live. You, on the other hand, will have to live with your egocentric tendencies. Good luck. Invest in therapy. Lots of it.
83 Three more
...Dude I am going to be dead (tired) tomorrow.
Er, today.
Whoosh Done Merde, I am tired. But I have five pages of handwritten notes to show for my pains. Fweeeee. Too tired to be jubilant. Snooze now.
10-3, 10-42, over and out.
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