I started my first sock today. I have been knitting for like seven years and for some reason was always a pansy about learning socks. I bought this Regia self-patterning yarn back in like, my last year at Hampshire, with the intention of learning. About two or three years ago, I asked the yarn ladies at some nice LYS for a nice beginners sock pattern. I lost the sock pattern sometime in the move from Bellingham. Then when rounding up Matthewapos;s back tax info, I found it in a box of papers. So, Iapos;ve started it. It is very distracting from finishing my sweater. The self-patterning yarn is just so satisfying
Other projects to begin:
- Cute dress thing for Emily
- Knitting Matthew a new hat
- Another set of wristwarmers/fingerless gloves (likely for myself).
I am hoping time in the boonies will help me be very productive with my knitting.
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