hi haha okay. Letapos;s start. Today is 16th october. I was very damn sleepy in school. I couldnapos;t wake up and i extended the timing by minutes to minutes. Gosh. Haha. Yesterday i went home around 11.30. So, couldnapos;t get a very good night sleep. Haha. Today, during art lesson, i did nothing but talked and talked and talked. I also drew something like art pieces but it was for fun. I was damn restless. Then it was mother tongue. Relief teacher went in. And ya, today seemed like free period the whole day. Haha. Fun. Then i had physics. I couldnapos;t remember what we did for physics. Then it was recess. So i went to eat rice with chicken curry. Thatapos;s my usual meal everytime for recess. But under the category of rice. Haha.� then after recess, we had maths and poa. So, it was like four periods at the other class ~ 3e8.�hmm. So, it was like, free period yay okay. We talked a lot about guys and more things laa. Usual stuffs that girls would always do. Then iffah gave me some guyapos;s number. Its just a person. Then okay laa, i donapos;t know what to do because i was like really damn sad when she said that. I just couldnapos;t forget the guy before. So, i just said anything, i guessed? and it was like what the hell? so okay laa. He said iapos;m weird. Haiz. Whatever with him laa kan. So then, my classes for poa and maths had ended. I went back to class and my blood boiled. My table and chairs were missing and my table cover was cut into a semi-circle shape. I was so mad and i took the table back to my place. I threw the table cover to the back in angry mood. I was really really really angry and i threw tantrum. People were like looked at me and just kept quiet. I was not okay at that moment and my blood was really boiling. I felt like screaming and crying. It was because of everything. Imran was even afraid and so, he gave me the chair and i sat on it while he shared with rafi i think. Ju was aasking me and asked me if i was okay. I told her and she said i was crying but i wasnapos;t. Weird. So i told her that i missed him so much. Then we got to know our results. I failed my maths and i passed my english yay haiz. The highest marks that i got among them was combine humanities. Haha. Then, we were given a slip to check the marks an were asked to sign when we have checked. I didnapos;t know that i must not sign when i have amendments to make. And that teacher called me. She called my name apos;apos;sudayaapos;apos;? bullshit sia. Haiz. I was at the bad mood and yet she made me even mad. I said sorry as if it was sarcarstic. Then i luqiud off my signature and the date and gave back to her. Haiz. After all the lesson ended, i went to the library because we had a meeting for the sec 2 post-activities games. Haiz.after that, we�had a dance practice for the vietnam. We changed a lot of steps again and again and it seems confusing. Haha. I had fun after that. Then, i went home. :)
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