So afte a while, I decided to make the leap to pen and ink, with some false starts. Now, due to an archival error, the comics directly dealing with this period of time are somewhat damaged, but mostly itapos;s just coffee, although the first one in this series (Time Traveler) is pretty beat up.
So at first I wanted to mark the introduction of pen with a sharp contrast from the old style. I actually like pencil as a medium quite a lot, but it has horrible problems with smudging and general impermanence, so pen is pretty much a necessity. BTW, if you canapos;t read these (and it isnapos;t a function of my poor lettering skills), you can right click and use "view image" to get them in a magnifiable window to themselves.

This next one I felt was too pen heavy. I liked the clarity, but the drawings seemed a bit too simple.

Finally, I settled on a kind of hybrid pen/pencil style, which I like pretty well.

Incidentally, this is my friend Claireapos;s favorite comic that Iapos;ve done.
Next (and final) archive: The Punster tackles serialized drama Donapos;t miss it
P.S. Does anyone know how to do alt text for images? Thatapos;d help me a lot.
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