My ex was in my dream.� We were at some sort of ceremony, it seemed to be the conclusion of something, a line of people were sitting along a bench on stage waiting to go up and make a very short speech to an audience, saying something about our use of computers.� I�didnapos;t really get what what general guidelines we were going by, but then i overheard someone saying that we should say what we were doing before we started using computers.� I�was sitting next to Karen on the bench, and i felt jealous/sad that she had another boyfriend now. I remember saying something to her, which i donapos;t remember, and she didnapos;t react in the way i expected, so i asked her to tell me what she thought i said. And she told me, and it was something else, more negative than what it was that i told her, which was something kinda positive, so i told her what i actually did say.� i also remember hugging her close with my head next to hers for a while, even though i felt sad i could only be friends. When it was my turn to go up, i said, "before using computers i was like any normal kid, i wasnapos;t normal but i was doing normal things normal kids would do. [i donapos;t know if thatapos;s true but i thought it was in the dream.] and then one day i went to my auntapos;s house in Los Angeles and saw her computer and i begged and begged my parents for a computer because I�really really wanted to use MS Paint.� So they got me one in 1992 [i figured out the year in my head, but i think it was actually 1991 or sooner], and it was a 486 DX 66 mhz.. Er, no, actually it was a 33 mhz.� i never did end up using MS Paint, just 2 or 3 times [the audience awwed at that point which was unexpected to me], but think computers are pretty cool." then i walked off stage and wondered where i was supposed to go.. Whether we were supposed to go home after we spoke. I got the idea we were supposed to pick up some free stuff, whatever we wanted, and then go home.� they had tables and boxes of stuff--the only thing i remember is a box with, among other thigns, some really really tiny cans of chery coke.�� like about an inch and a half wide, 3 inches tall. I didnapos;t feel like taking anything though, i guess i didnapos;t feel like i did anything to deserve it.�
i had said in an irc channel before i went to sleep that i was pissed off because she said something i felt was cold to me so i was shutting the computer off.� i just meant for a few hours, or maybe until the next day, but if somebody/something else interpreted that to mean forever, that could explain the computer-related ceremony that was supposed to be the conclusion of something.� itapos;s weird how words are so powerful.
blepharochalasis syndrome, blepharochalasis, blepharochalasia, blepharocarcinoma, blepharoblennorrhea.

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