When�I was in grade school, we watched the St. Louis Rams games every weekend.� I really started getting interested the year the Rams went to and won the Superbowl.� That may sound a little fair-weather or something similar--I donapos;t know what to call it--but ever since, the Rams have been my team.� Last year, I caught a couple games at the end of the season, both of which they won (I think. �I canapos;t remember).� Three weeks ago, I went to the SUB�for dinner on a really, really busy Sunday, and after seeing the Rams rock it up (and then lose), I decided I�had to start watching the games again.� Even if the Rams lose every week, watching these games just makes my day.� It makes my week.
Unfortunately, I donapos;t know anyone here who likes the Rams.� The past few seasons have been pretty bad for them, so I think a lot of people have stopped caring.� When a cityapos;s team is going to the Super Bowl or the World Series or whatever else, I�think most people get pretty pumped.� When the Rams were big When the Cardinals were in the World Series two years ago, I�was kind of into it.� I was pretty excited when they won.� But I was only really into baseball for a few months in third grade. �Iapos;ve been a football woman since fifth grade.� Iapos;ve been a Rams woman since fifth grade.
So understandably, now, when the Rams are pretty much rocking this game against the Dallas Cowboys, Iapos;m experiencing a bit of frustration.� Because nobody cares.� When�I watch football, Iapos;m a yeller.� I get into it.� I want to talk to people about the game.� And I canapos;t. �Because nobody cares.
But (and yes, Iapos;m sublimating my football needs by writing about it in my LiveJournal) THIS�GAME�IS� FREAKING�AWESOME.
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