Hereapos;s whatapos;s up with the divorcees...
Theyapos;re both miserable.
I still have to talk mom through tearful fits of depression.
And dads not much better.
Theyapos;ve discovered that neither of them have enough money apart to keep the house, so they will both be couch surfing pretty soon here. Yay for legally homeless parents. I do think itapos;s kind of funny that my parents and I will be in pretty much the same situation financially and in regards to living situation...I may even be better off. Priceless.
Dad talked to his best friend Dean about the divorce. Dean said:
Well, you know it struck me as odd, when you guys started going out, you were talking about Cindy and you didnapos;t say anything except apos;we both want to have kidsapos; You didnapos;t tell me about her personality or what you had in common other than kids.
Mom talked to her best friend Lyn. Lyn said:
Iapos;ve always thought you could do better than David.
I guess everyone saw this coming except me and mom.
The whole thing is just a mess, remind me never to get married.
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